Papers and Digital Materials

Author(s)sort descending Title Published Date added File
Silvia Spattini Agency Work: a Comparative Analysis E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies
November, 2012
Jan 7, 2013
Michele Tiraboschi Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Recessionary Times ADAPT Labour Studies e-Book Series
December, 2012
Jan 7, 2013
Michele Tiraboschi Young Workers in Recessionary Times: A Caveat (to continental Europe) to Reconstruct its Labour Law? E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies
March, 2012
Jan 14, 2013
Michele Tiraboschi Italian Labour Law after the so-called Monti-Fornero Reform (Law No. 92/2012) E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies
November, 2012
Jan 21, 2013
Michele Tiraboschi Managing and Preventing Natural (and Environmental Disasters): The Role of Industrial Relations. Some Reflections on the Italian Case Working paper Nov 15, 2013
Adrian Todoli Labour Law and Economic Policy. How Employment Rights improve the Economy (HART) Apr 26, 2024
Francisco Trillo Parraga Spanish Unions and Democratic Engagement  Working paper Jul 22, 2015
Francisco Trillo Parraga Spanish Unions and Democratic Engagement  Working paper Jul 22, 2015
Eric Tucker Labor's Many Constitutions (And Capital's Too) Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal
April, 2012
Apr 6, 2012
Gérard Valenduc , Patricia Vendramin The Mirage of the End of Work Apr 29, 2019
